The following publications and presentations were developed by current and past CRELI scholars and staff:
- Gillispie, W.M. (2021). Culturally Responsive Language and Literacy Instruction with Native American Children. Topics in Language Disorders, Vol 41(2), pp. 186-199.
- Gillispie, M. (February, 2017). Talking is Teaching, Literacy is Achievement. Roundtable discussion at the Kickapoo Child Development Summit, Powhattan, KS.
- Gillispie, M., Klockau, A., Allison-Burbank, J., Fox, V., & Williams, E. (November, 2016). Culturally Responsive Early Literacy Units With Native American Children. Presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
- Allison-Burbank, J. (November, 2016). Health Treatment Trends of Cleft Lip & Palate in Native Americans. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
- Gillispie, M. (October, 2016). Culturally Responsive Services to Native American Communities. Guest lecture at University of Kansas Child Language Professional Seminar, Lawrence, KS.
- Gillispie, M. (October, 2016). Talking is Teaching, Literacy is Achievement. Guest talk at the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Early Literacy Night. Mayetta, KS.
- Gillispie, M. (September, 2016. Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology. Guest lecture at Haskell Indian Nations University Careers in Science course, Lawrence, KS.
- Gillispie, M. (August, 2016). Need for Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction in Native American Communities. American Speech Language Hearing Association Special Interest Group 14 Perspectives.
- Hicks, M., Allison-Burbank, J., & Gillispie, M. (2016, July 29). Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Services to Native American Communities in Kansas. Poster presentation at the University of Kansas Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Nelson-Strouts, K. (2016). Early Home Literacy Practices of the Prairie Band Potawatomi People. Unpublished Master's Thesis at the University of Kansas.
- Nelson-Strouts, K., Sidley, T., Williams, E., Gettino, E., Crow, J., & Gillispie, M. (2016, February 25). Culturally Responsive Instruction with American Indian/Alaska Native Students in the Early Childhood Setting. Poster presented at the Kansas Division for Early Childhood Conference, Wichita, KS.
- Gillispie, M., Klockau, A., Crow, J., Nelson-Strouts, K., Sidley, T., & Smith, J. (2015). Early Language and Literacy in Childcare Classrooms. In-service for Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Early Childhood Educators
- Gillispie, M., Klockau, A., Allison-Burbank, J., Crow, J., Nelson-Strouts, K., Sidley, T., Smith, J. (2015, November 12). Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction with Native American Children. Presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Denver, Colorado.
- Smith, J., Sidley, T., Williams, E., & Gillispie, M. (2015, November 7). Maternal-Infant Bonding for AI/AN Families. American Indian Research & Health Education Alliance (AIHREA) Powwow and Research Forum, Mayetta, KS.
- Gillispie, M. (2015, December 2). Solutions for Educational Disparities in American Indian Communities: Culture, Language, and Literacy. Guest lecture in ISP 800: Indigenous Issues in the U.S., Lawrence, KS.
- Gillispie, M. (2015, September 25). Culturally Responsive Early Literacy Instruction: American Indian/Alaska Native. Presentation at the University of Kansas School of Education Lunch Colloquium, Lawrence, KS.
- Allison-Burbank, J. (2014). Speech-Language Pathology Service Delivery in Native American Communities: Cultural and Linguistic Considerations. Poster presentation at the Kansas Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Wichita, KS.
- Gillispie, M., Ross, S., Allison-Burbank, J., Vining, C., and Inglebret, E. (2012, November). Empowering Native American Communities in Service Delivery. Presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.
For more information on these presentations and posters, Please contact the CRELI Project Staff